Clothing and Safety Gear: PPE
(Personal Protective Equipment)
- Wear appropriate clothing and a secure helmet
every time you get on your bike. Neck warmer is
ideal for long journeys including ear plugs.
- High visibility Motorcycle Jackets do come
with back protector, if not you could purchase
them separately. and
trousers should give you enough protection from
impact, abrasion, cold and weather conditions.
- Use body armour on vulnerable areas such as
the back, knees, elbows, shoulders, hips and
shins. This should be adjustable so it fits
snugly and does not move in a crash. All
these protectors are equipped in most of the
modern gear.
- You should wear a good reflective jacket to
make you more visible on the road if your Jacket
is dark colored. "See and be seen, or you
could be "I just didn't see him".
- Wear protective gloves, and footwear that at
least comes above the ankle. There are many more
PPE coming into the market such as neck support
and complete body armour etc. Whatever protects
you against injury, consider using them since we
don't have a cage around us.
- Good quality, properly fitting protective
gear can make the difference in a collision
between serious injuries and long term pain and
expense or slight short term discomfort. It is
also the difference between being comfortable or
cold and wet
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